Saturday, December 29, 2007

I have answers but i crave for more

The year is ending soon..and i really can't believe that i've been to and back of australia within this short space of a year. This entry, hopefully, will sum up my entire year to the extent where i can remember. sorry if what i say does not make sense cause right now..inspiration is probably at a zero, emotion is at a negative and brain activity is at the rate of a 2year old.

before summing up the year, i think i'll just leave a comment on smtg i read earlier.. going thru my friend's blog titled reckoner...(so i guess since ur d reckoner..i can be d 'answer-er') i eyes skimmed thru the words..what-----is---happiness---need---what?? to be happy??---sorry but thats what is printed in my mind when i read thru d brain cells knows no grammar sadly@.@. Probably a year ago, i would be beset by the same annoying so many people do...old young..i can recall so many times when people ask themselves this example of a comment from my fren: life is like a sine wave..and i wish i could full rectify it..or better make it into a y=e^x^9999999 graph.
So, happiness as i have learned from this one year of (what should i call it??? crap + perfume?) is just this 3 words:

I love you.

No no no, i was just kidding:P

it's actually 2words:
No attachments.

how u interpret it can be entirely up to for me, i spent many long quiet days thinking about my my virtual the river..lying on the big open front of d tv..and in d bathroom=) it makes quiet a peaceful place:)

I guess since i have understood happiness.."application of happiness is another question altogether (doesn't mean that i'm always grinning all d time 24/7) ..and thank God cause that means i'm still human and normal at that" But since i have understood it, i feel i the need to let those close to me know of u know..u dun hav2 spend so much time in d toilet tinking about d bathroom (which would be extremely time-saving for girls)..haha..fine fine, so not everyone does that, but to those who do..hip hip hurray! And to my fren diki, i hope this answer will ensure that u will not hav2 face the same question again when ur 50.
And also, i must give thanks to the many rooms i lived in, the fresh air by the river,the green grass, the tv box and the toilet walls for "inspiring" me to understand this complex answers. However the greatest credit goes to my dad, Buddha and Dhamma (Buddha's teachings), for explaining to me wherever and whenever i fell short of understanding. As for the interpretations, i shall leave u to it and try my best not to pollute ur understanding with mine=) hehe..

So, am i happy..

ok, i'm not going to continue with 2007 summary anymore..i'm too lazy to edit be bring it on 2008...bring me to life...yet again...

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